Bertha Collections

I'm looking for a loving friend,
who'll not let our friendship end.
I want a friend who always true,
I think i've found my friend..It's you!!!

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Aromatheraphy for lovers

Of all the mysteries that enchant us
Love is my favorite

What is Love? Where does it come from? Where does it go,when it fades away?
These are question that have occupied human kind for thousand of years. You'd think we'd have some answer by now! Yet the mystery remains for each human being to unravel anew. Every heart is an uncharted wilderness, a new frontier. To Love and to be love,requires above all a sense of adventure, a capacity for wonder, and a willingness to put up with substandard accommodations occasionally a long the way.
So many people I talk to are frustrated in their pursuit of love. Those who have found romantic love struggle to keep it live amidst the drudgery and mundane concerns of everyday life.
One of the most common complaints I hear among my contemporaries is the telling that the we are on the front lines of the gender wars. What does it mean today to be a man,or to be a woman? Who plays what role when,and for how long, and with what degree of enthusiasm? who does the dishes? be continue...

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