Bertha Collections
I'm looking for a loving friend,
who'll not let our friendship end.
I want a friend who always true,
I think i've found my friend..It's you!!!
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Kanker? Mendengar namanya saja udah membuat orang takut.
Banyak penderita-penderita kanker mengalami penurunan kualitas hidup dan kematian dini. Akan tetapi sebenarnya bila kanker diobati pada tahap yg awal, kanker tersebut masih dapat dikendalikan bahkan disembuhkan.
Salah satu kanker yg paling sering timbul pada wanita adalah kanker leher rahim. Tetapi kondisi ini dapat dicegah dengan melakuan deteksi sedini mungkin, sehingga pengobatan pada stadium yg makin awal, lebih menjanjikan dari pada stadium lanjut.
Hasil penelitian akhir2 ini ,mengatakan bahwa penyebab paling banyak dari leher rahim ini adalah virus Human Papiloma atau lebih dikenal dgn HPV ( Human papiloma virus ). HPV ini bukan hanya menyerang pd wanita tapi jua pada pria.
Tipe HPV yg berbahaya dapat dideteksi dgn pemeriksaan laboratorium, bila trdapat infeksi HPV, maka dpt segera diobati sebelum berlanjut menjadi kanker.
Pemeriksaan Pap smear bermanfaat utk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pertumbuhan y abnormal pd sel2 telur rahim. Bila tidak ada kelainan pd hasil Pap smear maka perlu pemeriksaan 1 tahun kemudian.
Pap Smear wajib dilakukan pada :
* Wanita yg aktif secara seksual minimal 3 tahun.
* Wanita y melahiran melalui jalan lahir > 5 anak
* Wanita yg menggunakan ala kontrasepsi oral > 5 tahun
* wanita Perokok.
Dengan melakukan Pap smear rutin setiap tahun dgn atau tanpa pemeriksaan HPV DNA, maka kanker leher rahim dapat dicegah atau dideteksi sedini mungkin.
-GBU- (c) Net
Once upon a midnight dreary,
deep into that darkness peering,
Long I stood there..wondering..fearing..doubting..dreamin dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before..
But the silence was unbroken
Presently my soul grew stronger,
filled me with fantastic terrors, I never felt before....
all my soul within me
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word... ''Lenore"
darkness there and nothings more..
This I sat engaged is guessing,
Leave my loneliness unbroken..
Save only thee and me..
Over the magic solitude..
( Edgar Allan Poe )
1809 - 1849
Kekasihku, Kau adalah..
Langitku yg cerah, yg membuatku mabuk kepayang,
Pelabuhanku dikala badai,
Pembangkit semangatku,
Hadiah termanis untukku,
Penyembuh luka dihatiku,
Penyembuh sakitku,
Sahabat terbaikku sampai menjelang ajal,
Tujuan hidupku,
Pendingin amarahku,
Cahaya penerangku,
Penumbuh semangatku ketika aku jatuh,
Siang dan Malamku,
Hati dan Jiwaku,
Penambah tenagaku,
Yang menyempurnakan hidupku,
Dansa terakhir untukku,
Pasangan dansaku,
Penambah tenagaku,
Sumber kegembiraanku,
Sumber tawa riaku...
Penumbuh semangat ketika aku jatuh,
Suksesku yang paling besar,
Pemelihara kebun hatiku,
Semuanya yang selalu untukku,
Anugrah surgawi untukku,
Belahan jiwaku,
Nasib baikku,
Kekasih impianku..
Yang paling penting diatas segalanya bagiku adalah :
Akal sehatku,
Alasanku mengapa sampai aku mati.
(c) Chickensoup
Good Grease
-Good Grease-
Most people believe that products with oil are bad for their skin. The reasoning ranges from "it's too rich and heavy" to "its clogs pores and causes pimples". But oil is making its presences felt in her beauty industry not only as an ingredient in skincare, but also on its own.
Cleansers come in many forms- Soap, Cream, Milk, Water and Oils- but what we love about oil type is that it lifts off both dirt and makeup quickly and easily because of its slippery texture, plus there's no wrinkle -inducing pulling or wiping involved.
You won't get that tight and dry feeling they clean without stripping so even oily skin will not over-compensate and produce more sebum.
Facial massage also helps to stimulate, relax and even improve skin firmness.
Moisturizers in oil form are similar to serum, they penetrate quickly and have high concentration of ingredients for intensive hydration. Oil in moisturizers and even eye products not only smooth dehydrated lines, it also ensures hydration and helps the products last longer than non-oil ones as it has an added barrier function that seals moisture in the skin.
Our skin's health depends a lot on oil. Lipids are natural oils created by skin cells to strong energy, retain moisture and to created a protective layer on the surface to keep it in. But like all others cell functions, it's production deteriorates causing skin to become dry, rough and dull. As an ingredient in moisturizers, oil replenishes lost lipids, feeds skin with more nutrients and seals them in, all in one step to keep skin healthy and radiant.
Most moisturizing foundations also contain oil as an ingredient. It not only hydrates and softens skin; it helps foundation glide on smoothly and evenly so you won't get a cakey finish. These foundations give naturally radiant, supple skin so you look naturally flawless, not powdery and matte. It's specially good for those with dry on mature skin.
Contrary to popular belief, products containing oil do not make in oily and do not cause clogs or oil bump specially those around the eyes.
Most skin types can benefit from oil's nourishment, except those with oily and acne-prone skin. Stick to water-based hydration and normal cleanser as acne can be aggravated by too much oil. And everyone must make sure the products they use are non- comedogenic.
In general, omega oils are the main type of oils that are good for skin. They are essential for healthy skin functioning but our bodies do not produce them, so we need to get them from food and tropical products.
Essential or aromatherapy oil is highly concentrated and can be beneficial tropically if blended with carrier oils like jojoba or sweet almond. But never apply 100% pure essential oils to your skin as these are far too potent and can cause irritation and inflammation. Most oils are beneficial to the skin in the right amounts and combinations.